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                                                Financial Management and Markets 160:266

 Dr. A. Frank Thompson                                                                                                     Spriing    2011

320 Baker Hall                                                                                         E-Mail: actuary1@uni.edu

Office Hours:  MWF 10 AM-11 AM, Monday 4:30-5:30 PM

                        and by Arrangement, please feel free to e-mail to schedule an appointment..

 Course                   Credit                     Section                   Time                                       Location

160:266                   3                              01                            5:30-9:00 PM Monday        CBB   13

One additional session to make-up for business week activities will be on Saturday, March 26th, 5:30-9:00 PM in CBB 13.

+ additional Sat. make-up session, if needed, on 4/9, 9:00-11:50 AM noon in CBB 13.

Last day to drop the course w/o a W  is March 8, 2011.

 Required Course Materials:

Brigham, Eugene F.,  and Michael Ehrhardt, Financial Management, Theory, and Practice, 12th Edition, (The Dryden Press: Fort Worth, TX.,2008), and the Study Guide to Accompany the text.  The Study Guide is reference material and should be used to review financial management concepts from an undergraduate course in corporate finance.

[FM] = Fin. Management Theory & Practice  [SG] = Study Guide

  HP-10B calculator

 Brigham, Eugene F., Louis Gapenski, and Linda Klein,  Financial Management and Markets: Case Applications in Managerial Finance,  Spring 2011, (The Dryden Press: Fort Worth, TX), ISBN 13:978-1-111-22122-5.   This text has been specially ordered from the publisher and is only available from the University Book Store.  Cases are assigned to individual study groups for presentation and are identified according to their title in the case booklet.   [CFM] = Cases in Financial Management

 Lawrence A. Cunningham, How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett, (McGraw-Hill Publishing: New York, NY, 2001).   [Graham] = How to Think Life Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett.

Joel Bakan, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, (Free Press, New York, NY, 2005)

Frank Partnoy, FIASCO: The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader, (Penguin Books, New York, NY, 1999) . [Partnoy] = Fiasco

Lowenstein, Roger, When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-term Capital Management, (Random House Publishing, New York, NY, 2000). [Lowenstein] = When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-term Capital Management

Rod Library Basic Reference for Security Valuation Research: http://www.lib.uni.edu/ris/business/

Recent Research Papers Relating to Managerial Finance: The following are links to my research on topics dealing with contemporary issues in finance:

(1) Financial Solvency of the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation and the Actuarial Adequacy of Risk Based Premiums

(2) Current Perspectives on the Actuarial Adequacy of PBGC

(3) November 2008 IMA Presentation Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the Dangers of Using Financial Derivatives

(4) Examination of Faculty and Administrative Collaboration for the Common Good Using the Deming Methodology

(5) Wal-Mart's Industrial Bank as a Clearing Mechanism for Credit Cards

(6) Spring 2007 Midwest Meeting Presentation: SPIC Problems and Prognosis

(7) Fidelity Insurance: Are There Differences in Experience Among Financial Institutions?

(8) Homeowner's Equity: Providing Lifetime Annuities for the Elderly

(9) Immunization of Pension Funds: Sensitivity To Actuarial Assumptions

(10) Auditor Concentration in the S&L Industry

 Course Pre-requisites: 160:151 or equivalent; consent of MBA Director

 Course Description: In-depth examination of the tools, concepts, theories, and analysis of managerial finance integrated with case applications.  Students will be expected to apply concepts from managerial finance in analyzing, presenting and discussing cases at an advanced level.

 Course Goals and Objectives:


Gain a thorough understanding of the integration of  financial theory and analysis to practical business decisions. . 


To understand and appreciate the inter-relationships between finance and the core business disciplines of  accounting, economics, mathematical statistics, decision theory, information systems, marketing and management.

 To extend student experience and knowledge of  financial techniques associated with financial statement analysis, forecasting, securities valuation, hedging, working capital management, portfolio analysis, capital budgeting, capital rationing, and  interest rate immunization and duration. 

 To learn about the ethical issues facing business, develop a working knowledge of the framework for making ethical decisions and appreciate the importance of regulating financial markets to assure safety and soundness..

 To understand the multinational and international financial environment as it relates to trade among nations.

                                 Selected Library Readings on Reserve in the Donald O. Rod Library

[1]     A. Frank Thompson, Linda Bowyer, and  V. Srinivasan, “The Ohio Banking Crisis: A Lesson in Consumer Finance, “ The Journal of  Consumer Affairs, Vol. 20, #20 (Spring 1986), pp. 290-299.

 [2]     A. Frank Thompson, and Linda Bowyer,  “Using Financial Futures to Hedge Interest-Rate Risk on Paid-Loss Retrospective Insurance Programs, “ The Journal of Insurance Issues and Practices,  Vol. II, No. 2(June 1984), pp. 1-10.

 [3]      A. Frank Thompson,  Roger D. Rutz, and Frederic Stiner, Jr., “Fidelity Insurance: Are there Differences in Experience Among Financial Institutions, “ Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal, Vol. XVI, No. 2(February 1983), pp. 2-7.

 [4]       A. Frank Thompson, Linda Bowyer, and A. Bhattacharya, “Theoretical Propositions on the Effect Minimum Net Worth Requirements have on Insolvency and Bankruptcy for Stock S&Ls,”  Invited Research Working Paper No. 51, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Office of Policy and Economic Research, Washington, D.C., (March 1985).

 [5]       A. Frank Thompson, Anju Ramjee, and B. Ramjee, “Pension Valuation and Unfunded Liability Measurement: Financial Management Implications,” 1984 Proceedings of  the Risk Theory Seminar, University of  Southern California.

 [6]       A. Frank Thompson, Yong H. Kim, and Philip W. Glasgo, “Pension Liability Reporting under ERISA,” The International Foundation of Employee Benefits Journal, (March 1983), pp. 2-8.

 [7]        Philip W. Glasgo, William Landes, and A. Frank Thompson, “Bank Discount, Coupon Equivalent  and Compound Yields,” Financial Management, Vol. II, No. 3(Autumn 1982), pp. 80-84.

 [8]        A. Frank Thompson, “Wraparound RAMS: A New Method for Providing Lifetime Annuities,”  Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal, Vol. XIL, No. 6(June 1981), pp. 17-19.

 [9]          A. Frank Thompson, “Immunization of Pension Funds and Sensitivity to Actuarial Assumptions: Comment,” Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. XLVIII, No. 1(March 1981), pp. 148-153.

 [10]         R. Yeager, “How Safe is Your Bank,” Reader’s Digest, March 1988.

 [11]         Nancy L. Ross, “Investors Having Doubts About High-Yield Saving,” The Washington Post, August 15, 1982, Business Section.

 [12]         A. Frank Thompson and Frederic M. Stiner, Jr. , “The Cyclic Behavior of U.S. Government Bonds Using Stochastic Time Series,” Business Economics, (September 1980), pp. 55-58.

 [13]         A. Frank Thompson, “Homeowner’s Equity: Providing Lifetime Annuities for the Elderly,”  Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal, Vol. XIII, No. 12(December 1980), pp. 23-28.

 [14]         A. Frank Thompson, Linda Bowyer, and Don Edwards, “A Cross-Sectional Analysis of  Interest-Rate Swap Agreements Among FSLIC-Insured Thrift Institutions,” Research Working Paper No. 132, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Washington, D.C., July 1987.

 [15]         A. Frank Thompson, and Frederic M. Stiner, Jr., “An Examination of Auditor Concentration in the S&L Industry,” Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1(1984), pp. 10-15.

                                                 Tentative Course Schedule of  Learning Activities

 Date/Day               Material                Reading/Research                              Problem Assignment

 Foundations of Financial Management and Markets    

NOTE: Please consult the Web-Extensions for each chapter for updated information and applications related to the chapters being studied in [FM].                                                                          

February  14         Introduction to Financial Mgt. [FM] Ch. 1                      Questions 1-2, 1-5

                             Valuation of Cash Flows [FM] Ch. 2                             Prob. 2-14,2-19,2-20,2-24,2-25

Note with Sample Interest Rate Problems from Chapter 2

                              Financial Statement Cash Flows and Taxes[FM] Ch. 3  Prob. 3-1,3-2,3-6,3-9,3-10

 Chapter 3 Assigned Problem Solutions

                              Fin. Forecasting [FM] Ch. 14.                                      Prob. 14-1,14-2,14-7

Chapter 14 Assigned Problem Solutions

                                Market Structure Characteristics of Financial Derivatives: [Partnoy] Ch. 1-4

                     Sample MBA Exam 1 Spring 2009         

                               Case/Team Assignments: Groups 1-5 each having between 2 or 3 students.

UNI Case Rubric for Evaluating Oral and Written Presentations

                                Readings  Library [10], [11], [15]; Web extension: 1B; An Overview of Derivatives

                                Financial Analysis Project. Assignment

Rob Library Financial Databases Reference Guide by Stan Lyle Business Librarian

 MBA Financial Management and Markets Exam 1 Due February 28 2011

 February 21           Financial Statement Analysis     [FM] Ch. 4                  Prob. 4-1,4-2,4-4,4-6,4-8,4-9

Financial Statement Analysis Chapter 4 Problems

Financial Ratios -What Do They Mean? by Deloitte & Touche LLP

                                Fixed Income Securities  [FM] Ch. 5                           Prob. 5-1,5-3,5-7 thru 5-9,5-16

Interesting Interest Rate Problems

                                Basic Elements of Financial Risk[FM] Ch.6                  Prob. 6-1,6-3,6-4,6-12,6-13

                                 Derivative Pricing Risk [Partnoy] Ch. 5-9

                                Market Efficiency - Truth or Fiction?

                                [Graham] Preface, Chapters 1-2

Canadian Institute of Actuaries Presentation on Techniques for Analyzing Financial Institution Risks

November 2008 IMA Presentation Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the Dangers of Using Financial Derivatives

                                  Readings Library  [6], [7], [13]; Web extension: 5C Bond Risk and Duration


 February 28             Towards a Common Sense Invesment Approach [FM] Ch. 7 & 8

                                Portfolio Theory: What Makes Sense? [FM] Ch. 7         Prob. 7-1,7-4,7-5

                                Stock Valuation and Economic Externalities [FM] Ch. 8  Prob. 8-1,8-2,8-7,8-14

                                Estimating an Appropriate Cost of Capital [FM] Ch.10   Prob. 10-1,10-4,10-5,10-9,10-11 thru 10-13                                                   Readings Library  [1], [3], [5]

                                Difficulties of Relying too much on Mathematical Models: [Lowenstein] Ch. 1-5

                                        [Graham] Chapters 4-5

Spring 2007 Midwest Meeting Presentation: SPIC Problems and Prognosis

Some Perspectives on Pension Valuation and Funding

 MBA Exam 2 [100 points] Due at the start of class on March 7th   


 March 7                 Use of Financial Options: A short-term View  [FM] Ch. 9        Prob. 9-1,9-3,9-4

                               Capital Budgeting Basics  [FM] Ch. 11                      Prob. 11-7 thru 11-9,11-11, 11-13 thru 11-16

                               Cash Flow Estimation and Project Risk [FM] Ch. 12  Prob. 12-1 thru 12-4, 12-8

                               Catastrophic Risks in Unregulated Derivatives Market:s [Partnoy] Ch. 10-11 [Lowenstein] Ch. 6-10

                                  Readings Library [4],[8]

Immunization of Pension Funds: Sensitivity To Actuarial Assumptions

MBA Competency Exam 3

                                 MBA Exam 3 [100 points] Due at the start of class on March 21st

Spring Break is from March 11 to March 20, 2010 - you may use this time to review and reflect upon the reading assignments, prepare for the case presentations, develop initial analysis on your stock portfolio, and complete reading the research articles and materials for the Allegory assignment.

 Theoretical Applications in Corporation Finance

 March 21              Real Options Using Decision Tree Analysis [FM]  Ch. 13                        Prob. 13-1,13-2,13-4

                              Corporate Governance Towards Business Value [FM] Ch. 15          Prob. 15-1,15-2,15-6,15-7

                              Capital Structure [FM] Ch. 16                                                           Prob. 16-7 thru 16-9, 16-10

                              Dividend Relevancy: Practice vs. Theory [FM] Ch. 18                        Prob. 18-1,18-2,18-6,18-7,18-9

                              Valuing a Business - For What It's Worth

                               [Graham] Chapter 6

                               Readings Library  [12]

    Lecture Note on Efficient Markets


 March 26               Investment Banking & IPO Offerings [FM] Ch. 19                               Prob. 19-2,19-3

                               Working Capital Management: Maintaining Solvency [FM] Ch.22        Prob. 22-1,22-2,22-6,22-7,22-9,22-12

                                MBA Exam 4: Due April 4, 2011

                               Safe Packaging Company - Financial Analysis and Forecasting Case 51, Group 1

                                Cranfield, Inc. (A) Capital Budgeting, Case 44, Group 2

                                Issues in the Valuation of a Business - Insurance Agency Application

                                Readings Library [2]

                                Problems Involving Rights Offering and Dilution of Ownership with Share Sales     

 Mach 28                Duration and Immunization

                                Financial Futures/Long-Term Fixed Inc. Instruments

                                Readings Library [2],[14]

                              Problems on the Basics of Options Used in Corporate Finance   

                               Problems Related to Capital Structure and Leverage

                               Interest Rate Swap Agreements

                               Cranfield, Inc. (B): Capital Budgeting, Case 45, Group 3

                               Advanced Fuels Corporation, Financial Analysis and Forecasting, Case 41, Group 4

 April 4                   Financial Analysis of Financial Institutions

                               Black Scholes and Binomial Option Pricing Problems in Finance                                 

                               Optimal Capital Structure - Controversy with

                                Technological Change, and Reinvestment

                               Problems in Capital Structure and Debt Limitations in Valuation

                               Agro-Chem, Inc.: Leasing-Case 49, Group 5

                               Art Deco Reproductions, Inc.: Special Topics - Case 23, Group 1


 Outside Reading: Paul A. Samuelson, “   Some Aspects of  the Pure Theory of Capital,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, (Mary 1937).                                                                 


  April 11                Beatrice Peabody: Working Capital Management, Case 78, Group 2

                              Atlantic Aquaculture, Inc.: Capital Budgeting, Case 61, Group 4

                               Financial Issues Related to Pension Management

                                Readings Library [5], [6]

 April 18                   Financial Derivatives: Their Use, and Misuse in Business

                                 Accounting Numbers in Relation to Financial Investing

                                [Graham] Chapters 8 through 10

                              Johnson Window Company: Capital Structure, Case 8, Group 3

                              Indian River Citrus Company (A): Capital Budgeting, Case 12, Group 5

 April 25                Financial Analysis Project Due - 100 Points

                             Practical Ways of Evaluating Contingent Claims Risk

                              The Role of Regulation in Containing Financial Institution Risks

Recent Research on the Impact US Chinese Currency Exchange May Have on US Treasury Bond Pricing and Monetary Policy

                   Presentation Materials for the England Clark Conference at University of Nebraska Lincoln           

                              Readings Library [2], [9], [14], [15]

  May 2                  Final Case Studies: (100 points)

                 Bessemer Steel Products, Inc.: Divend Policy, Case 20, Groups 1 and 2

                  Shenandoah Power Company: Long Term Financial Decisions, Case 48, Groups 3, and 4

                  Armstrong Production Company: Capital Structure, Case 83, Group 5

                                  The Allegory of Cave Paper is Due [100 points]

 Grading Information:

 All assignments are due on the date designated in the course outline (i.e., no late assignments will be accepted).  You will need to bring at least three blue books for the in-class case exam, as well as, the comprehensive final exam.  Total points will be awarded as follows.

Assignment                                          Total Points Possible   

Quizzes / Outside Assignments                      400

Team Case Presentation                               200

Financial Analysis Project                             100

Allegory of the Cave Paper                           100

Final Case Study                                          100 

Total  Points for the Course                          900

Grade Line                                             Point Range

A                                                           900-837

A-                                                          836-819

B+                                                          818-783

B                                                             782-765

B-                                                            764-738

C+                                                           737-711

C                                                             710-675

C-                                                            674-648

D+                                                           647-621

D                                                             620-594

D-                                                            593-567

F                                                              566-0



 General Classroom Policies:

 You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss and answer questions relating to all the reading material ,assigned problems, and case materials for the day.  Some quizzes may require that you have a blue book available to answer questions over the readings.  Please have at least two blue books available for this purpose each day of class.  In order to preserve the teaching environment for all students attending class, there will be no consumption of food or talking while someone is presenting a case or lecture.

 During in-class exams and quizzes once you begin an exam or quiz you may not leave and then return to the test site.

 The rules to the university with respect to academic honesty will be adhered to.  Under university policies you are required to refrain from cheating yourself, and to report all incidents of cheating should you witness it on the part of other students.  Outside classroom assignments other than team cases are to be completed on your own.  The team case assignments are to be developed only with members of your team, and no one else (i.e. the team presentations are to be a product of your own group’s effort).

 Team projects are due on the date assigned, as in the business world there is no provision for late assignments.

 Grading of written work will be on the basis of a number of factors:

1)       Do you present a set of clear, concise, and cogent arguments to develop your position

2)       Is the material free of grammatical errors?

3)       Is the writing correct on the terms of financial theory?

4)       Do you provide reading references to back-up your financial analysis?

5)       Is your presentation complete with a reasonable length?  Long discourses that add little substance to the issues of a case or question will be downgraded.

6)       Does the writing demonstrate creative and critical thinking on the elements of the case of questions?

7)       Have you developed a working hypothesis related to the readings or case material not currently addressed in the literature?

8)       Have you outlined how your working hypothesis might be tested to determine whether it should be accepted or rejected?

The usual caveats with respect to this class are the same as with any UNI course.  Students are expected to be familiar with the rules of the University and College of Business concerning its Academics Ethics Policy.  You may obtain a copy of this policy through in room 321B

Special Needs Consideration:  UNI is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Institution.  The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 provides protection from discrimination for qualified individuals with disabilities.  Students with a disability, who require assistance, will need to contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) for coordination of academic accommodations.  The ODS is located at 213 Student Services Center.  The phone number is (319) 273-2676.


Study Guide Questions and Problems

 As you prepare for quizzes and exams in Finance 160:266, I would like you to review the following Study Guide Questions and Problems.  By working the assigned text problems and reviewing these study guide materials, you should be well prepared for the exams and quizzes.  Required Material:  Financial Management Study Guide, 11th Edition, E, Brigham,  and Michael Ehrhardt.

 Chapter 1:  An Overview of Flow Management

                  Conceptual Questions:  36,37

                  Self-Test Questions: 1,2,3,6

Chapter 2:  Time Value of Money

                   Self- Test Problems: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21,25

Chapter 3:  Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes

                   Self Test Questions: 1 ,5,6,20,26

                  Self Test Problems: 1-4,8,11,12,14

 Chapter 14:  Long Term Financing Planning

                     Self Test Questions: 1 to 4, 8,16, 19

                     Self Test Problems: 1 to 3

End of First Week's Material

 Chapter 4: Risk and Return-Basics

                   Self Test Questions: 3-5,8,16,18,22

                   Conceptual Questions: 23,25

                   Self Test Problems 1 to 4,6-7,11

 Chapter 5: Risk and Return: Portfolio Theory & Asset Pricing Models

                  Self Test Questions: 1, 2,8-10,20

                  Self Test Problems: 1, 2, 5,6

Chapter 13: Analysis of Financial Statements

                 Self Test Questions:  1-5,8,11,12,15-17

                 Conceptual Questions: 27

                 Self Test Problems: 1-11,13,14,18,19

 Chapter 6: Bonds and Their Valuation

                  Self Test Questions: 1-3,7-10,15,21,22

                  Conceptual Questions: 38

                   Self Test Problems: 1 to 4, 7

End of 2nd Week's Material

 Chapter 7: Stocks and Their Valuation

                  Self Test Questions: 1-3, 8, 9, 14, 20, 24

                  Conceptual Questions: 29

                  Self Test Problems: 1-4

 Chapter 8: Financial Options and Their Valuation

                  Self Test Questions: 1-3,5,7-9

                  Self Test Problems: 1-3

End of the 3rd Week's Material

Chapter 9: Cost of Capital

                    Self Test Questions: 1, 4,5, 7,11,12,15,24,25

                    Conceptual Questions: 28

                    Self Test Problems 1, 2, 11-12

 Chapter 10: Capital Budgeting Basics

                    Self test Questions: 1-4,7,10-13,17,25

                    Conceptual Questions: 37, 38

                    Self Test Problems: 1-5

End of 4th Week's Material

 Chapter 11: Cash Flow Estimation

                    Self Test Questions: 1-3, 7- 9,15

                    Conceptual Questions: 21, 22

                    Self Test Problems: 1, 3,8-10

 Chapter 16: Capital Structure Decisions: The Basics

                    Self Test Questions: 1,3,8, 11, 13, 18, 28

                    Self Test Problems: 1, 4

 Chapter 17: Capital Structure Decisions: Extensions

                    Self Test Questions: 1, 3,7

                    Self Test Problems: 1, 2

End of 5th Week's Material

 Chapter 22: Working Capital Management

                    Self Test Questions: 2-4, 6, 30-31, 35-36,50-51

                    Self Test Problems: 1-6, 10

Chapter 23: Derivatives and Risk Management

                    Self Test Problems: 1-2

                    Financial  Analysis Project

 As part of this course, you will develop a detailed analysis of a publicly traded stock.   During the first week of class you will select a company from the following list to do your research on.


 There are several library/reporting service references available to you:  Moody’s Online,  Research Insight, Valueline, CompuStat, SEC/EDGAR, Standard and Poor’s Reports.   You should try to consult each of these sources to determine independently the background on the company you are analyzing.  This executive report will be no longer than 7 double-spaced typed pages, including bibliography, charts and spreadsheet analysis.  You have $60,000 to invest in your portfolio of  $600,000.  Currently you own  10 stocks with a market value of  $600,000, in a diversified portfolio with a beta of  1.2 (i.e., each of the 10 other stock positions is worth $60,000).  You are to give a reasoned argument as to why your particular stock should or should not be included in the portfolio.  The nine other stocks are as follows:


 You will be expected to use CAPM, DCF, Bond yield plus risk premium, Black-Scholes and Financial Ratio Analysis to support your claim either way to adding or avoiding your selected company.  Please use the University Chicago Manual of  Style and Form to report your research findings. Grading will be based on how well you present your results in terms of the integration of  both quantitative and qualitative results.  This paper will be due the beginning of class on April 19, 2010.  As in the business world, there is no provision for presenting a late assignment.  Failure to present any assigned material on the date required in the syllabus will result in your receiving an F for that particular part of the course.


© MBA Financial Management and Markets: Course Outline/Learning  Assignments, A. Frank Thompson, January 20, 2011, All Rights Reserved.